Monday, September 12, 2011

I Will Not Forget

The internet certainly does not need another account of the events that happened 10 years ago today on September the 11th, 2001.  I did not know anyone who was killed or had a loved one killed or injured in the attacks, I have never lived in New York City, and had not yet lived in Virginia in 2001.  I had not seen the Pentagon since I was a little boy in 2001.  In short, I have no more personal connection to the events of 9/11 than the vast majority of Americans, and my story is not one of extraordinary courage or hardship or hope.

And yet, as I find myself ten long years and half a country away from where I was that fateful day, I find a need to talk (or blog in this case) about my feelings about those events.  One of the pastors at our church (Resurrection Evangelical Lutheran Church in Chesapeake, VA - go to to find out more) preached a sermon this morning that touched on 9/11 in the context of the Biblical texts concerning teaching the Word of God to children.  One of his points was that you tell your children Bible stories and stories about important events that occurred during your lifetime because they did not live through those events.  It is important to remember the past, because in recounting the past, they learn about what God has done for his people in the past and may glean lessons that help them to deal with their future

While I do not hold any conceits that my story will lead to any important lessons or meaning, I do know that an 18-year old boy away from home for the first time in his life made a promise ten years ago to never forget the events that happened that day.  It is 3652 days later (give or take), and I have not forgotten.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Return of the Blog

In the words of Capt. Malcolm Reynolds from Firefly in the episode "Trash":

Yup.  That went well...

Clearly my commitment to regular blogging was not quite up to snuff back in spring when I last posted something up here.  I would apologize to any loyal readers if, of course, I had written enough posts to HAVE loyal readers.

However, since I didn't really set out with any real purpose for this blog other than a desire to write something every now and then, it's not really an issue that I decided to take a 6 month break.  I do intend to actually start posting regularly up here, and have some ideas on how to actually make that happen.  We'll see how it goes!