
Because it's easier than making up my own criteria for this, I'll just use one that's floating around the net: "A Geek is someone who is passionate about some particular area or subject, often an obscure or difficult one."  I could probably have also named this one Nerdery, on account of, "A Nerd is someone who is passionate about learning/being smart/academia," but Geekery just sounds better.  (For the record, I scored as a Modern, Cool Nerd (61 % Nerd, 65% Geek, 17% Dork) on one online test - you can take it here.  It's relatively well done, but be forewarned that it is an online dating site.

(For the record, my wife scored as as Pure Nerd with 70% Nerd, 26% Geek, 17% Dork.  Apparently they didn't have a fourth category for Tree Hugger or Technology Hater.  Someone should really address that...)